In a significant development in the case of actor Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing, Mumbai Police have traced the involvement of a woman from West Bengal, Khukumoni Sheikh, who is suspected of providing a mobile phone SIM card to the accused Bangladeshi national, Sariful Islam. Islam, who was arrested for attacking Khan, had entered India illegally and was staying in Mumbai under a false identity.
Sources indicate that the woman, originally from Chapra in Nadia district, had allegedly known Islam. The SIM card traced back to her was used by the attacker during his time in India. Sheikh has reportedly claimed that her phone was stolen, but authorities are questioning her about the circumstances.
Sariful Islam, who is 30 years old, illegally crossed into India from Bangladesh through the Dawki river, located along the India-Bangladesh border in Meghalaya. He adopted a new name, Bijoy Das, and settled in West Bengal before eventually making his way to Mumbai in search of a job. During his time in Bengal, Islam used a local resident’s Aadhaar card to acquire a mobile phone SIM card, which linked him to Sheikh.
Police further revealed that they had discovered two identity cards, including a Bangladeshi National Identity Card and a learner’s driving license, both proving Islam’s origin and identity. The driving license showed his residence in Barisal, a city in south-central Bangladesh.
The attack on Saif Ali Khan occurred on January 16 when Islam allegedly attempted a burglary at the actor’s residence in Bandra. Khan was stabbed six times during the attack, which was reportedly an effort to escape after the actor attempted to hold him down. Khan’s wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, witnessed the violent incident and recalled the attacker’s aggressive behavior as he repeatedly stabbed her husband.
Islam had reportedly demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore during the attack. He managed to flee the scene after hiding in the building’s garden for two hours. Following a diligent manhunt spanning over 70 hours, Mumbai Police arrested Islam on January 19 near Hiranandani Estate in Thane, around 35 kilometers from Khan’s residence.
Kareena Kapoor Khan and a nurse, Eliyama Philips, who was looking after the couple’s younger son Jehangir (Jeh), were among the key witnesses in the case. Philips had encountered the intruder and confirmed his demand for money.
Islam’s father, Mohammed Ruhul Islam, denied the charges, claiming his son was being framed. He announced plans to seek assistance from the Bangladeshi Foreign Ministry and the Indian High Commission in Dhaka to secure his son’s release.
Doctors who treated Saif Ali Khan after the attack removed a 2.5-inch piece of a broken knife from his spine. They noted that had the knife pierced just 2mm deeper, it could have caused serious injury to the actor. Fortunately, Khan was discharged from the hospital and returned home on January 21, after undergoing emergency surgery.
As the investigation continues, Mumbai Police are working to gather more information regarding Islam’s connections and the full extent of his illegal activities in India.
Sources By Agencies