A tragic incident unfolded in North Carolina on Tuesday morning when a teenage boy robbed a convenience store, leading to the fatal shooting of Mainank Patel, a 36-year-old man of Indian origin. Patel was the owner of the Tobacco House store located at 2580 Airport Road.
Authorities report that Patel sustained multiple gunshot wounds during the robbery and was initially taken to Novant Health Rowan Medical Center. He was later transported to Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, where he succumbed to his injuries.
The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a juvenile male in connection with the crime. Due to the suspect’s age, his identity has not been disclosed. The arrest occurred on Tuesday evening, but no further details about the suspect have been released.
Captain Mark McDaniel, a public information officer for the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office, stated that deputies initially responded to the store following a 911 hang-up call. Upon arrival, they found Patel critically injured. Security footage from the scene captured a tall, slender white male fleeing the parking lot. The individual was dressed in black shorts, a black hoodie, a black ski mask, and white Nike tennis shoes, and was seen carrying a black handgun.
The motive behind the shooting is still under investigation, but it is believed to be related to the robbery. Fortunately, no other individuals were harmed during the incident.
Patel, affectionately known as “Mike” by those in the community, is survived by his wife Ami, who is seven-and-a-half months pregnant, and their 5-year-old daughter. The local community has expressed profound grief over his death, reflecting on Patel’s generosity and his role as a cherished member of the neighborhood. Floral tributes and heartfelt messages have been left outside the Tobacco House, underscoring the impact of his loss.
Ann Ellis, a customer, described Patel as a deeply caring individual, noting, “It hit everybody because this was a family, this was a community family store.” Javier Lopez, who had been maintaining the store’s grounds for years, added, “There are just no words to describe how great a guy Mike was.”
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