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    HomeBrandspotArt- ancient revival techniques. (Into the world of ahamm)

    Art- ancient revival techniques. (Into the world of ahamm)


    Adithya A Bhat fondly known as Ahamm by his artist name is a polymath intertainer from garden city Bengalooru. Yes its not entertainer but INTERTAINER!
    You will comprehend when you meet him or see his vivid works along with the numerous things he is doing in his verve! Surprisingly this is not a story of “jack of all trades and master of none” Ahamm is a successful singer-song writer- performer. He is also a brilliant artist who loves big walls, sculpting, roof paintings, digital art and installations too! He does not stop there. The world of films also found a place in his heart and alas! scripting and direction as well. He has acted and assisted for commercial movies too. Ahamm principally associates with brands that have a sustainable ethos in their objective and takes up branding/marketing profiles as he loves creating content, logos, advertisements, jingles blogs and much more!
    He has served in the events enterprise for over 12 years and has hosted more than 6000 successfully corporate shows! People love him for his energy and charisma.

    He also has an inclination towards health and wellness particularly nature cure and yoga. He has trained people for more than 3 years and then took off to travel the country. He dedicates all his art works to the mystical experiences he has had on his travels and life. He has a series of art works called the “duality to reality” upon which he is also releasing a new music album. Ahamm is known for his onspot impromptu compositions during his stage performances where he believes that he is only a tool and an universal energy expresses through him.
    Thats also where his stage name Ahamm comes from. Ahamm means self expression. The space between two universes. Its the space between two thoughts. Likewise Ahamm is seen bridging the ancient and the new through all his works.

    Ahamm also studied to become an architect and decided to take a different turn just before his final year. Whats interesting is everything he did after he made the choice. He spent quite some time in the himalayas experimented mud , bamboo architecture painting using just earth and natural colours. He aims to use art as a tool to create awareness about conservation and the vast human mind. He feels change can happen only from within just like an egg that breaks from the inside giving life. if the same egg cracks from the outside resulting the end of life. He hopes his work will help people to realise themselves. We asked him about his inspirations
    for which he he confesses that he is constantly guided by the 5 elements and nature is his biggest inspiration. He has learnt everything from observing the deep patterns of how nature concedes.
    This is what lead him to deep realisations of indian philosphy and he quotes that the Bhagvad gita changed him on a metaphysical and quantum level.

    “That very moment of realisation was extemely overwhelming , i didnt know what was happening to me. All i felt was curiosity that had no bounds, thinking of it today i think it was the birth of a new me even though i thought i ” knew” me. Pun intended.

    Ahamm is a Psyritual artist exploring the mediums of the psyche through Art, Music and Stories. Science and Ancient Philosophy are evident in his compositions. The mystical realms of reality quantumise themselves through his works. The pursuit of science is to investigate through the lens of spirituality where creative energy is the tool. Ahamm is the tool, surrendered to the creative forces of life and is the space between the existing and non-existing, creation and the voidness, imagination and reality, the dual and non-dual. Ahamm is the individual finger print an artist leaves on his creations and it belongs to the eye of the seeker. Art to heart is what he Tag lines his line of work.

    Through his music you are moved into a never before space of intertainment, a feeling that evokes a certain state of knowing thy self and vocabulary to the unsaid. Hailing from the land of the most ancient civilization Ahamm aims to trace roots back to the rich past and marry the infinite future. All his works have traces of the Dvaita, Advaita, Shunya and Sankhya philosophies intertwined with the findings of the world. There are many layers to each of the works that appeal to every perceiver in its own ways. All the works are holographic and quantum in nature it brings forth different visual cues to different people. The more time you spend on each of the creations the more you discover about thyself.

    Ahamm goes on to talk about his new projects one which is an interesting tool called the genetic brain profiling. Where you can study the brain design by scanning finger prints. A very powerful tool to realise your strengths.

    He is also part of a virtual reality start up called Who VR in bangalore, aiming to create the first Indic Metaverse, replete with Heritage Site Tours, Time-Travel Experiences, Music Concerts, Heritage Games – as multi-sensory experiences involving sight, sound, touch and smell!

    Ahamm has done numerous art therapy sessions combined with sound healing. Helping many people realise their innate expressions of the self. He is on a mission to train kids in the rural sector and impart creative education to them.

    We asked him for future plans and he said ” today is the future”
    Well we really had an interesting interview getting to know about the insights of this truly multi-faceted artist. Ahamm eat’s, Breathe’s and sleeps anything art.

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