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    HomeWorld News"Dutch Scientist's Earthquake Speculation in Pakistan Followed by Clarification"

    “Dutch Scientist’s Earthquake Speculation in Pakistan Followed by Clarification”


    Dutch Researcher Sparks Speculation of Strong Earthquake in Pakistan, Then Clarifies

    A recent statement by a Dutch scientist has stirred speculation about the possibility of a significant earthquake occurring in Pakistan in the near future. Frank Hoogerbeets, a researcher at the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) based in the Netherlands, suggested that unusual atmospheric fluctuations observed in and around Pakistan could be an indicator of an impending seismic event. However, he has also emphasized the need for caution and has discouraged jumping to conclusions regarding earthquake predictions.

    On September 30, Hoogerbeets noted the presence of atmospheric fluctuations in parts of Pakistan and its neighboring regions. While acknowledging the phenomenon, he stressed that it’s not definitive proof of an imminent earthquake. Hoogerbeets, who has previously used planetary alignments to predict earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, explained, “It can be an indicator of an upcoming stronger tremor (as was the case with Morocco). But we cannot say with certainty that it will happen.”

    In an earlier post, Hoogerbeets stated that October 1-3 would be a “more critical” period for monitoring the indicator of a major seismic event. However, he was quick to reject the notion of an impending “big earthquake” and cautioned against making unwarranted assumptions, stating, “There can be indicators, yes. But there is no certainty that it will happen.”

    Amir Haider Laghari, Director at the National Tsunami Centre Karachi, weighed in on the matter, dismissing the speculations. Laghari emphasized that earthquakes are unpredictable in terms of their timing and location. He pointed out that Pakistan lies within the boundary of two major tectonic plates, making it susceptible to seismic activity, but predicting when and where an earthquake will occur remains a challenge.

    The skepticism about earthquake predictions is not limited to Pakistan. In February, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) also dismissed Hoogerbeets’ predictions regarding an earthquake striking India and Pakistan. The USGS underlined that neither they nor any other scientists have ever been able to accurately predict major earthquakes, and they don’t expect to have that capability in the foreseeable future.

    In conclusion, while recent atmospheric fluctuations have led to speculation about the possibility of a strong earthquake in Pakistan, experts emphasize the inherent uncertainty in earthquake prediction. Predicting when and where earthquakes will occur remains a complex and challenging endeavor, with no definitive methods currently available. It’s crucial to rely on established scientific organizations for earthquake-related information and remain cautious about unverified claims.

    Sources By Agencies

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