In a controversial incident preceding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Delhi University, two students, identified as Anjali and Abhigyan, alleged that they were locked up inside their flat by Delhi Police. The students, who are associated with the All India Student’s Association (AISA), claimed that they were confined due to suspicion and highlighted the incident as an attempt to stifle dissent.
Expressing their dissatisfaction, Anjali took to Twitter, stating, “Fascism needs docile workers, silent students, obedient women, and divided people. We shall give them none of it! #GoBackModi.” The students protested by holding up placards that read, “We were detained at our flat based on suspicion” and “Prior to Modi’s visit, we were held at our flat for 3.5 hours.”
Anjali further tweeted, “Comrade @abhigyan_AISA and I, we are being held at our flat because PM is coming to campus! Why is @narendramodi so afraid of us? The whole campus turned into a police cantonment to protect a PM from accountability! Shame on Delhi police!”
The incident occurred amidst preparations for Prime Minister Modi’s attendance at the closing ceremony of Delhi University’s centenary celebrations, held on June 30. Hindu College, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, and Zakir Husain Delhi College issued guidelines making it compulsory for students and faculty to attend the live telecast of the event.
Hindu College teacher-in-charge Meenu Srivastava released a notice specifying seven-point guidelines, which included mandatory attendance during the live streaming and prohibition on wearing black attire on the designated day. Students would receive five attendances for participating in the live streaming, as per the guidelines.
Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College also mandated the presence of all teachers, students, and non-teaching staff for the live web telecast, with a detailed report to be submitted to the university.
Similarly, Zakir Hussain Delhi College directed staff members, excluding newly appointed teachers, to remain present at the college library to view the valedictory function of the centenary celebrations, as per the University of Delhi’s instructions.
The incident involving the confinement of the two students has sparked criticism, with concerns raised over freedom of expression and the alleged suppression of dissenting voices in academic spaces. The university administration and Delhi Police are yet to respond to the students’ allegations.
As the controversy unfolds, the focus remains on upholding democratic values, ensuring the safety and freedom of students, and facilitating an environment conducive to open dialogue and exchange of ideas within educational institutions.
(With excerpts from PTI).